Catarina Laranjeiro
Graduated in Psychology at Universidade de Lisboa and post-graduated in Digital and Visual Cultures at Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon). At the present time she is attending a Master course in Visual and Media Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin. She worked in the cultural association Moinho da Juventude (Mill of the Young), in the neighborhood of Alto da Cova da Moura, district of Amadora in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. She benefited from a Leonardo da Vinci scholarship in Berlin, at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (Social Science Research Center Berlin). She worked during 18 months in Guinea Bissau, first thanks to a Inov-Mundus scholarship and then for the NGO FEC. She developed the project “Espaço-Memória da Cova da Moura” (“Space-Memory of Cova da Moura”). At the present time, she is part of the research and monitoring staff of Festival do Norte (North Festival) and collaborates in the project “Imigrantes e Serviços de Apoio Social: tecnologias de cidadania em Portugal” (“Immigrants and Social Welfare Services: citizenship technologies in Portugal”).