Inês Beleza Barreiros
Visual archaeologist. She finished her Ph.D. in Media, Culture and Communication Studies at New York University. Her research interests are located at the intersection of visual culture, memory studies and decolonial theory-praxis and their articulation within the history of the Portuguese empire, in particular its contemporary modes of existence. She also holds a special interest in indigenous cosmogonies, animal studies, and trees.
Inês has an M.A. in Contemporary Art History from FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a B.A. in History, branch Art History from Faculdade de Letras-Universidade de Lisboa. She also studied at the New School for Social Research (anthropology) and at Sorbonne-Paris IV.
In addition she works in film and is currently developing the visual project Colonial Specters: a visual hauntology.
Inês is the author of Sob o Olhar de Deuses sem Vergonha: Cultura Visual e Paisagens Contemporâneas (Lisboa: IHA-EAC/Colibri, 2009).