Luísa Roubaud
Luísa Roubaud trained as dancer and started her professional career as an actress. With a degree in Psychology at the Universidade Clássica de Lisboa – Portugal she has a Master on Portuguese Culture and Literature at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Portugal graduated with a thesis on Bailados Portugueses Verde Gaio a profound study on the repertoire of the first Portuguese theatre dance company (1940-1950). She has a Ph. D. degree with a dissertation on the body representations on the Portuguese contemporary dance. As dance critic worked in some of the Portuguese newspapers and magazines between 1988 and 1992 and since 2005 is writing in the newspaper Público.
Nowadays teaches in the dance Department at the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa where is co-responsible, since 2001, for the post graduation course in Expressive Therapies. She collaborates as teacher with other institutions in Portugal, Spain, Belgium and United Kingdom. She is a researcher at the Instituto de Etnomusicologia/Música e Dança (INET-MD).
She has been developing her research and work as teacher in the domain of the relations between the psychology and the performing arts, the body and the cultural studies.