To use the word WE as oppose to I is almost a revolutionary act at the moment.
Bom dia Marta,
Vamos lhe chamar a segunda parte do texto e vai em inglês porque, olha é como me apetece.
I woke up this morning and had breakfast at the hotel ran down the stairs to smoke my first cigarilla of the day. Wondering and worrying all night about what on earth do I have to live next? And how will I pay back my family and friends and crazy Greek landlord the money that I owe them without giving the pleasure to my lifetime haters of having to kneel for their support. I met the two receptionists which are the most familiar people to me right now at the door, I think changing shifts. One of them, the male had finished the night shift and looked really tired. I asked you tired? He said I work 24 hours a day. I asked why? He said because it’s a lot to do and more to finish and responsibilities. I’m a fool, he said. I said, we all are at the moment. I’ve always been pretty smart and now not even I know how to get out of all this misery and trouble. I told him a story a friend of mine told me, not so long ago the ceo of bbc made the most poignant point to his chairmans by dressing up as a clown