Dockanema 2010
Since its launch, the DOCKANEMA Festival has aimed to offer the different audiences in Maputo the twin opportunities of becoming acquainted with the best that is being produced in the world of documentary films and of taking a break from the run-of-the mill audiovisual diet that is available for the rest of the year.
Mundialito, de Sebastien BednarikWhen the first edition of the Festival was held in 2006, few people thought that five years on we would be so tenaciously determined to celebrate this anniversary.
These are different times, however. Since then, the neoliberal financial crisis affecting the whole world has had a direct impact on the various sources of support that we have been able to mobilise over the years. The situation inside the country has not progressed since the creation of DOCKANEMA. There is still a complete absence of support from public institutions, blatantly ignoring the influence of this initiative at home and the recognition it has won abroad.
Nevertheless, this celebration of film is not mere nostalgia. The harvest of documentaries that comprise this edition allows a degree of optimism as regards the future of this genre. The “digital revolution“ which has already influenced production among us could become a decisive factor in the dissemination of the multitude of voices that express themselves through documentary films.
Every year, the event brings works to the Festival’s audiences that are outstanding among the most noteworthy of the productions of our documentary filmmakers, along with eminent filmmakers on the world documentary scene. And thus the Festival not only sees its audiences grow – incontrovertible proof that it has helped to build up interest in documentary film, mainly among young people – it also encourages the exchange of experiences and ideas between Mozambican and foreign documentary filmmakers.
I believe that filmmaking has great potential for growth in Mozambique, and could have a positive impact both on the creation of jobs and income and on the social and cultural development of the country. Besides inspiring the production of new documentaries, DOCKANEMA promotes the democratisation of access by audiences to culture and development in a genre of films that encourages thought on the complexity of the times in which we live and the challenges to be met in building the future.
Kinshasa Symphony, de Matin Baer e Claus Wischmann