Yannis Hamilakis
Yannis Hamilakis is Professor Joukowsky Family of Archaeology and Professor of Modern Greek Studies at Brown University. His main interests are archaeology and heritage policies, archaeological ethnography, experience and sensoriality, the archaeology of Greece and the archaeology of contemporary migration. Among his books are: The Nation and its Ruins: Antiquity, Archaeology, and National Imagination in Greece (Oxford University Press, 2007), Archaeology and the Senses: Human Experience, Memory, and Affect (Cambridge University Press, 2013), having edited The New Nomadic Age: Archeologies of Forced and Undocuented Migration (Equinox, 2018). Since 2016, she has been working on the border island of Lesbos, Greece, exploring and recording the material traits of border crossing and the material realities produced by contemporary undocumented migration and the regime of securitization that attempts to regulate and reduce it.