Gilberto Freyre in Africa 1- Cape Verde

Gilberto Freyre in Africa 1- Cape Verde Recent critical readings of Cape Verdean identity and intellectual history highlight the fact that Gilberto Freyre unknowingly destabilized the metanarrative of Euro-centered mestiçagem, by emphasizing instead Cape Verde’s cultural links to Africa (even if those links were impressionistically perceived by him).

26.05.2010 | by Fernando Arenas

Between black movement and marxism: intellectual genealogy of an epoch

Between black movement and marxism: intellectual genealogy of an epoch It seems useful to delineate a genealogy of black internationalism as way to understand it's formation. Africa's independencies, beyond the action of africans and africans among the diaspora, take place due to a number of structural shifts. If we place the emergence of african internationalism in a broader perspective it will allow for a understanding of the paradigm changes that took place at the turn of the century.

15.05.2010 | by António Tomás