Counter Image International Conference
Proposals may be academic, artistic or hybrid
Open until March 31
A blended experience
Choose which way to participate
A virtual and on-site conference
Decolonizing visuality: working towards sustainable sociocultural practices
This edition of Counter Image International Conference (CIIC22) proceeds the work of unveiling the ways in which images operate within the power and knowledge structures and systems of truth which tend to constitute hegemonic historical narratives and marginalize or erase those that are conflicting or minoritarian.
Establishing counter narratives, counter archives and counter images is then a challenge to hegemonic social, cultural and political systems and a contribution to a much needed dialogue around themes that are difficult and complex, in view of a pluralist, diverse and balanced society.
The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the following topics:
Colonial visual cultures and strategies for decolonization
Colonial and postcolonial photography and film
Museums and colonial heritage
Social sustainability and image practices
Counter-hegemonic narratives
Visual Culture of the “colonial sciences”
Colonial cosmoramas, panoramas and other “ramas”
Archive dynamics in relation to counter-power and counter-memory
Artistic practices as resistance
The use of vernacular images and processes in artistic production
Ecocriticism in visual practices
Check our website and send us a proposal
Frame do filme O Festim [The Feast] (2021) by Soraya Vasconcelos
The Counter Image International Conference is organized by EVAM, the Visual Studies and Media Archaeology Observatory of NOVA Institute of Communication Sciences (ICNOVA) at NOVA FCSH, NOVA University of Lisbon.
This 2nd edition of the CIIC hosts the final conference of the Photo Impulse research project.