Palestra com Paz Guevara
10 de dezembro, às 16h, na sala 3.1 da Faculdade de Letras - Universidade de lisboa. Palestra da Paz Guevara, curadora do pavilhão latinoamericano da Bienal de Veneza.
Paz GuevaraBorn in 1976 in Santiago de Chile, and lives between Berlin and Latin America. She had contributed in several international curatorial projects: co-curator of the Latin American Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale in 2011; co-curator of the 6th Curitiba Biennial, Brazil, in 2011; curator of the exhibition “Berlin change plus vite que mon coeur” for the newly renovated Gare Saint Sauveur, in Lille, France, in 2009; curator of the experimental projects on video “Performing the Moving Image” and “Moving Image displayed at Night” in Radialsystem, Berlin, in 2010 y 2008 respectively; curator of the exhibition “Comunidad Ficticia” in Matucana 100, in Santiago, Chile, in 2009 and curatorial assistant of the 2nd Bienal of the End of the World, in Ushuaia, Argentina, in 2009, among other projects.
She is one the organizers of the workshop for young curators at the 5th, 6th, 7th Berlin Biennial, in Germany, in 2008, 2010 and 2012. Recently she integrated a project group at NGBK in Berlin, conceiving the exhibition and homonym book “IN OTHER WORDS. The Black Market of Translations – Negotiating Contemporary Cultures”.