Sessão Cinema Militante e imagens da Guerra pela Independência da Argélia / Militant cinema and Images of Algerian War of Independence
Organização: Maria do Carmo Piçarra (CECS-U. Minho/CFAC-U. Reading) com Hangar
7 de Setembro, 18h no Hangar, Lisboa
Durante a guerra da independência da Argélia (1954-1962), vários filmes militantes foram realizados para promover a luta em curso ou sublinhar a solidariedade com esta causa. As imagens da repressão e do uso da tortura pelo Exército francês nas aldeias e cidades argelinas, a imagem dos lutadores pela liberdade integrados no movimento de independência argelino mais importante – a Frente de Libertação Nacional -, e a questão dos refugiados ou dos jovens órfãos de guerra foram incorporados e abordados pelas representações propostas através deste cinema militante.
Realizadores de diferentes países (dos EUA à ex-Jugoslávia, passando pela Itália, Bulgária, etc.) e até realizadores franceses (como René Vautier, Cécile Decugis, Pierre Clément) opositores ao colonialismo e imperialismo integraram esta rede internacionalista cinematográfica.
O modo como foi criada uma rede internacional de apoio à independência da Argélia inspirou vários movimentos de libertação de países do Terceiro Mundo e a Tricontinental (OSPAAL - Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa, America Latina), tendo Argel passado a ser considerada a “Meca dos revolucionários” (Amílcar Cabral) em África durante as décadas de 60 e 70 do século XX, apoiando movimentos como MPLA, FRELIMO, PAIGC, PLO, ANC e acolhendo exilados politicos como Manuel Alegre ou Eldridge e Kathleen Cleaver.
Durante a sessão serão exibidas as curtas-metragens La Question, de Mohand Ali-Yahia, e Monangambé, de Sarah Maldoror.
foto de Augusta Conchiglia
Various militants’ films were done to promote the idea of Algerian independence or the solidarity with that cause during the war (1954-1962). The images of the repression and the use of the torture by French army in Algerian villages and cities, or the image of the fighters (showed as a Third World guerrillero/partisan fighters from a real army) of the principal Algerian Movement of independence (the Front of National Liberation), the question of the refugees and the young orphans of war were part of their representations.
Filmmakers from different countries (like USA, ex-Yugoslavia, Italy, Bulgaria…) and even some French (René Vautier, Cécile Decugis, Pierre Clément…) opposed to the colonialism and imperialism of their country were part of that international network.
This way of creating an international network supporting independence was also used after by several movement of liberation from the Third World and the Tricontinental (OSPAAAL Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa, America Latina), and Algiers was considered as the « Mecca of the revolutionaries » (according to Amílcal Cabral) in Africa during the sixties and the seventies, supporting the MPLA, FRELIMO, PAIGC, PLO, ANC… and opened his doors to exiled political like Manuel Alegre or Eldridge and Kathleen Cleaver.
Mohand Ali-Yahia’s La Question, and Sarah Maldoror’s Monangambé will be presented during this session.
Olivier HADOUCHI (film historian and film curator)
Olivier Hadouchi, film historian (PhD in cinema studies), researcher (associated to IRCAV Paris 3) and film curator, was born and lives in Paris. Published a book about images of solidarity with Algerian independence (published by Museum of Modern Art, Belgrade) in 2016, and texts in various publications (Third Text, La Furia Umana, CinémAction, Something We Africans Got, or catalogues…) and did many lectures, films presentations and discussions in museums, art centers (Tranzit/ Prague, places in Chile…) or film festivals (Paris, Marseille, Lille, Nantes, Algiers, Béjaïa, Lisbon, Beirut, Ghent, Geneva, Bourges..). Curated film programs for Le BAL, Bétonsalon and a program « Tricontinental. Cinema, Utopia and Internationalism » (with 13 screenings) for Museum Reina Sofia (Madrid). With Seloua Luste Boulbina, he curates a regular event (film-video programs) every month in La COLONIE (Paris).