The interactive seminar cycle “Memory, Culture and Citizenship in Post-Colonial Nations” is back!
The first session of the academic year will also be the inaugural session of the seminar series “50 years of April: Citizenship, Culture and Memory” organized by the research group CITCOM.
Our guest speaker, Ellen W. Sapega (University of Wisconsin - Madison), will present her work on the photographic memory of the Carnation Revolution.The photographs taken in Lisbon on 25 April 1974 and in the days that followed continue to challenge the viewer almost 50 years later, partly because many of them contain a complicit relationship between subject and object - between the photographer and the authors of the actions they intend to capture. Some of these photographs continue to circulate over the years, sometimes appearing in quite unexpected places and spaces; thus, they have already gained the status of lieux de mémoire that codify and condense the collective memory of the revolution.
Moderated by anthropologist Elsa Peralta (CeComp, FLUL), this session will be held in Portuguese.
Organization: CITCOM, Legacies of Empire and Colonialism in Comparative Perspective, and “Constellations of Memory: a multidirectional study of postcolonial migration and remembering”
Location: Room C138.A, FLUL
Date: 20 October 2023, 4:30-6 PM
More info here and here.