Infame projeto de lei homofóbica no Uganda

O infame projeto de lei “antigay” no Uganda acaba de ser assinado pelo presidente Yoweri Museveni. 

Assine e mostre aos líderes do Uganda que não nos vamos calar:

26.02.2014 | par franciscabagulho | homofobia, Uganda

African Bloggers Statement on David Kato

David Kato foi activista na defesa dos direitos de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transgénero (LGBT) no Uganda, assassinado no passado dia 26 de Janeiro.

Vários bloggers africanos juntaram-se para lhe prestar homenagem e assinar conjuntamente uma petição dirigida ao governo do Uganda para acabar com a criminalização de cidadãos pela sua orientação sexual. Aqui a petição que o Buala também assinou:


“We the undersigned wish to express our deep sadness at the murder of Ugandan human rights defender David Kato on 26th January 2011.  David’s activism  began in the 1980s as an Anti-Apartheid campaigner where he first expressed a strong passion and conviction for freedom and justice which continued throughout his life.   David was a founding member of Sexual Minorities Uganda where he first served as Board member and until his death as Litigation and Advocacy Officer and he was also a  member of Integrity Uganda, a faith-based advocacy organization.

David was a man of vision and courage. One of his major concerns was the growth of religious fundamentalism in Uganda and across the continent and how this would impact on the rights of ordinary citizens including lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered / Gender Non-Comforming and Intersex  [LGBTIQ] persons.   Years later his concerns were justified when the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill backed by religious fundamentalists was outlined in 2009.  David was also an extremely brave man who had been imprisoned and beaten severely because of his sexual orientation and for speaking publicly against the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. 

Many African political and religious leaders in countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Zambia, Gambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Malawi and Botswana, have publicly maligned LGBTIQ people and in some cases directly incited violence against them whilst labeling sexual minorities as “unAfrican”.  

In October 2010, the Ugandan tabloid, Rolling Stone published the names and photographs of “100 Top homos” including David Kato.   David along with two other LGBTIQ activists successfully sued the magazine on the grounds of “invasion of privacy” and most importantly,  the  judge ruled that the publication would threaten and endanger the lives of LGBTIQ persons.    

The court did not only rule that the publication would threaten and endanger the lives of LGBTIQ persons but it issued a permanent injunction against Rolling Stone newspaper never to publish photos of gays in Uganda, and also never to again publish their home addresses.

Justice Kibuuka Musoke ruled that,”Gays are also entitled to their rights. This court has found that there was infringement of some people’s confidential rights. The court hereby issues an injunction restraining Rolling Stone newspaper from future publishing of identifications of homosexuals.”

Every human being is protected under the African Charter of Peoples and Human Rights and this includes the rights of LGBTIQ persons.   We ask the governments of Uganda and other African countries to stop criminalizing people on the grounds of sexual orientation  and afford LGBTIQ people the same protections, freedoms and dignity, as other citizens on the continent.”

Alix Mukonambi Molisa Nyakale, Anengiyefa Alagoa Things I Feel Strongly About, Anthony Hebblethwaite African Activist, Barbra Jolie Me I Think, Ben Amunwa Remember Ken Saro-Wiwa, Bunmi Oloruntoba A Bombastic Element, Chris Ogunlowo Aloofaa, Eccentric Yoruba Eccentric Yoruba, Exiled Soul ExiledSoul, Francisca Bagulho and Marta Lança Buala, Funmilayo Akinosi Finding My Path, Funmi Feyide Nigerian Curiosity, Gay Uganda Gay Uganda, Glenna Gordon Scarlett Lion, Godwyns Onwuchekwa My Person, Jeremy Weate Naija BlogKayode Ogundamisi Canary Bird, Kadija Patel Thoughtleader, Keguro Macharia   Gukira, Kenne Mwikya Kenne’s Blog, Kinsi Abdullah  Kudu Arts, Laura Seay  Texas in Africa, Llanor Alleyne Llanor Alleyne, Mark Jordahl Wild Thoughts from Uganda, Matt Temple Matsuli Music, Mia Nikasimo MiaScript, Minna Salam MsAfropolitan, Mshairi  Mshairi, Ndesanjo Macha Global Voices, Nyokabi Musila Sci-Cultura, Nzesylva Nzesylva’s Blog Olumide Abimbola Loomnie, Ory Okolloh Kenyan Pundit, Pamela Braide pdbraide, Peter Alegi  Football is Coming Home, Rethabile Masilo Poefrika, Saratu Abiola Method to Madness, Sean Jacobs Africa is a Country, Sokari Ekine Black Looks, Sonja Uwimana Africa is a Country, Spectre Speaks Spectre Speaks, TMS Ruge Project Diaspora, Toyin Ajao StandTall, Tosin Otitoju Lifelib, Val Kalende Val Kalende, Zackie Achmat Writing Rights, Zion Moyo Sky, Soil and Everything in Between


25.02.2011 | par franciscabagulho | David Kato, LGBT, Uganda