Em Memória da Memória. Interrogações e testemunhos pós-imperiais

Episódio #10 “Herdar o Império” Conversa com Ariana Furtado

Márcio de Carvalho (cortesia do artista)Márcio de Carvalho (cortesia do artista)Em memória da memória, sentamo-nos com Ariana Furtado.
Ariana Furtado nasceu em Cabo Verde em 1976 e veio viver para Portugal ainda bebé de colo. A sua biografia e a da sua família, ascendentes e descendentes, acabaram por ocupar um lugar central no trabalho pedagógico e social que faz. Sobretudo na área da educação, vocação maior e cumprida. Professora do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico, tradutora de livros infantis e coautora do projeto “Com a mala na mão contra a discriminação”, Ariana contorno-nos neste encontro um pouco mais dessas suas outras mil faces.
As vivências de Ariana, entre Cabo Verde e Portugal, configuram-se em labirintos que se inscrevem sem nome. São experiências marcadas na pele e que transportaram para a sua biografia íntima, familiar e profissional. Essas heranças do império, e que o tempo não apaga, Ariana espera que se mitigem na próxima geração, a da sua filha Madalena.
A realização é de Inês Nascimento Rodrigues, a edição de som de José Gomes e a imagem gráfica de Márcio de Carvalho. Indicativo: voz de Rui Cruzeiro e música original da autoria de XEXA.

Ouvir aqui. 

12.01.2024 | por mariana | Africa, african culture, african studies, ariana furtado, cabo verde

European Conference on African Studies, 2013 | Call for Documentaries - Deadline: March 29, 2013

Call for Documentaries

 5th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 2013) will take place between June 27 and 29, 2013, at ISCTE-IUL, in Lisbon, Portugal. In addition to the thematic panels and the keynote speeches, the conference will host a documentary film festival. The films submitted to the event must portray issues related to its general theme: African dynamics in a multipolar world. We strongly advise that the films submitted are spoken or subtitled in English, given the fact that the conference will gather academics from different nationalities and linguistic backgrounds. Moreover, the films proposed ought not to exceed the length of one hour (60 minutes).

The deadline is on March 29, 2013.
The documentaries can be submitted online via weTransfer (www.wetransfer.com) to the following e-mail address: joao.carlos.dias@iscte.pt, oreleonora.silva.rocha@iscte.pt.


25.02.2013 | por herminiobovino | african studies, Conference, documentary, lisboa

Panel on "African studies: scholars and programs" European Conference on African Studies (ECAS5)

Ana Lúcia Sá (Centre of African Studies - ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute), Elisio Macamo (University of Basel) & 
Eduardo Costa Dias (ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute)  is assembling a panel, entitled “African studies: scholars and programs” for the upcoming 5th European Conference on African Studies (Lisbon, June 27-29, 2013) and is interested in additional presenters. His panel description follows: ECAS 5: African dynamics in a multipolar worldJune 27-29 2013 ECAS 5 LisbonPanel 071: African studies: scholars and programs http://www.nomadit.co.uk/ecas/ecas2013/panels.php5?PanelID=2041
The panel examines the epistemological and methodological assumptions of the African Studies, by identifying its current academic tendencies, questioning the scientific production and the extent to which “non-African” and “African” are valid categories in the African Studies.

Based on the idea that the understanding of the purposes of the African Studies is shaped and conditioned by the enunciation spaces from which the African realities became understandable, the panel examines the epistemological and methodological assumptions of this area of studies. The main objective of the panel is to identify the current academic tendencies in confrontation that have been developing in several contexts. In this perspective, the panel aims to shed a light onto existing debates, within the interdisciplinary space of the African Studies, about changes and proposals coming from the African societies, considering idiosyncratic models of analysis. It also aims to question the scientific production of the African Studies built from geopolitical frameworks of knowledge and the extent to which “non-African” and “African” are valid categories in the African Studies. This discussion, central to this panel, opens the debate about the supposedly universal suitability of the epistemological and methodological assumptions that ground the African Studies, interrogating if is always in relation to these categories that each researcher stands. It also extends the discussion to the legitimacy of essentialist and primordialist positions and questions the conditions in which it is possible to produce authoritative knowledge about African realities.

11.01.2013 | por franciscabagulho | african studies

Luso-Africa and Africa in Brazil at the 2011 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS)

The program of the 2011 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS), which will take place this May 5-7 at York University (Toronto), is now available through the conference website, as well as the CAAS website.

A series of roundtables, planels, and papers specific to Luso-Africa and to Africa in Brazil appear therein,as follows.

1) Roundtables and Panels
IA1  Roundtable / Table Ronde
Études Africaines au Brésil: Perspectives sur le Présent et le Futur*
Moderateur: Bas’ Ilele Malomalo, Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco

Margarida Maria Taddoni Petter, Universidade de São Paulo
Études de la linguistique africaine au Brésil

Monica Lima e Souza, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
The Sound of Drums: Teaching and Learning African History in Brazil

Patricia Santos Shermann, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
Federal Law 10639/03 and the Orientations for the Higher Education Level in Brazilian Universities – A New Paradigm?

Valter Roberto Silvério, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
L´impact de l´édition portugaise de la collection de l´UNESCO de l´Histoire Générale de l´Afrique dans les Études Africaines au Brésil

* Table Ronde virtuelle livré à travers le WEB / Virtual roundtable delivered through the WEB

De l’Angola préhistorique jusqu’ à  l’Angola dans l’espace atlantique
Président: Frank Luce, Harriet Tubman Institute, York University

Maria da Piedade de Jesus, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia de Benguela
Recherches archéologiques sur les sites préhistoriques de Dungo à Baia Farta, (province de Benguela, Angola)

Selma A. Pantoja, Universidade de Brasília
Au coeur des affaires: parents et compères dans le commerce en Angola au XVIIIème siècle

Simão Souindoula, Unesco, Route de l’Esclave (Angola)
Rei do Congo / Rei de Maracatu ou la forte dynamique d’immanence politique africaine dans l’espace atlantique

Angola under the Weight of the Slave Trade
Chair: José C. Curto, York University

Estevam Thompson, Universidade de Brasília
Community of Slave-Traders: Commercial and Personal Ties in Angola in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century

Vanessa S. Oliveira, York University
The Punishment of Slaves in Nineteenth-Century Luanda
Tracy Lopes, McMaster University
The “Mine of Wealth at the Doors of Loanda”: Agricultural Production and Gender in Bengo, Angola

2) Individual Papers
Elaine Pereira Rocha, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Undesirable Sexuality, Unthinkable Love: Portraying Inter-Racial Relationship in Brazil and South Africa

Nielson Rosa Bezerra, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão
African Mariners in 19th Century Rio de Janeiro: Identities and Connections

Frank Luce, Harriet Tubman Institute, York University
A Protestant Missionary in Southern Angola: Murray MacInnes and the Liberation Struggle

Robert Farris, Churches’ Council on Theological Education in Canada
The Protestant Churches in Mozambique: a changing paradigm of Mission

Jared Staller, University of Virginia
Decadent Obscurity: Two Texts of Marginality on São Tomé (18th century)

Rafaela Jobbitt, York University
Exiled in “Paradise”: African Labourers, Disease, and Healing Strategies on the Plantations of São Tomé and Príncipe, 1880-1920

Amélia Polónia, Universidade do Porto
Formal and Informal Networks in African Slave Trade Circuits in the First Global Age (Portugal, 16th-17th. Centuries)

17.04.2011 | por martalanca | african studies, Conference

The Futures of Culture, Anthropology Southern Africa Association 2011 Conference

3- 6 September 2011, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
During apartheid, anthropology taught at Afrikaans universities,volkekunde, supported a racist polity through teaching essentialist, biological and evolutionist notions of culture. Such social evolutionist
notions of human difference were what anthropologist Franz Boas wrote against when he referred to habituated knowledge and tradition in his notion of the culture concept. In South African liberation struggle discourse, racial and cultural classifications were also understood to be socially and politically constituted, rather than essential. Now, here in southern Africa as well as elsewhere in the world, ‘culture’ is often again used to mean innate, unconscious drives - so it is sometimes used as
an alibi for misogyny, sometimes as an alibi for race-hatred. Contributing to a popular tendency to redefine both race and culture as biological, genetic scientists tell us that culture can be found in human DNA. Where do we, who study humans past and present, stand in relation to the tradition of a culture concept? Do we write against a notion of culture, presenting our work in terms of ‘community’, income-group, language-group, race, class, citizenship? What are the futures of ‘culture’ as a category to think with? Does the privileging of the ‘culture’ concept end up eliding questions of class, materialities and political economy? And we wonder what the future of anthropology, and other disciplines in which sociality is considered (such as the social sciences more generally, English Literature, Film and Media studies, Race, Gender and Queer Studies, Disability Studies, African Studies, Cultural Studies, Heritage Studies, Archaeology and History) would look like without a notion of culture.
We encourage submissions that concern conceptual frameworks as well as those that present fieldwork analysis.
Keynote speaker: Prof. Achille Mbembe, Prof. Charles Piot
Send proposals for panels to asna@sun.ac.za until 15 April 2011.  The proposed panels and the contact details of the panel coordinators will be circulated once they are available. Abstracts for papers can be submitted to asna@sun.ac.za from 15 April 2011. Early registration is encouraged.
Organisers: Thomas Blaser, Kathleen McDougall, Steven Robins, Eleanor Swartz, Kees Van der Waal, Handri Walters, Tazneem Wentzel

10.03.2011 | por franciscabagulho | african studies, cultural studies, South Africa

Africa Here; Africa There Conference- The Canadian Association of African Studies (deadline: 21 February 2011)

York University, Toronto, Canada

5-7 May, 2011

Plenary speakers:


 Achille MBEMBE, Wiser Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Exiting from the Long Night? Cultural Forms and Institutions in Africa- Sortir de la grande nuit? Formes culturelles et institutions  en Afrique ;


 Imed MELLITI, Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines, University of Tunis el-Manar: Jeunesses maghrébines : religiosité, enjeux identitaires et enjeux de reconnaissance- Maghrebine  Youth: Religiosity, Identity and Recognition ;


Donald SIMPSON, Innovation Expedition, Africa - Here and There in the Sixties: A Canadian Perspective. Afrique Ici et ailleurs dans les années 1960: Une perspective canadienne.


Official Conference Opening / Ouverture officielle de la conférence

Dr. Mamdouh SHOUKRI, President and Vice-Chancellor of York University/ Recteur et Vice-chancelier de l’Université York.


 The Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) extends a special invitation to scholars and professionals working on all aspects of African Studies for its next annual conference. The conference, to be held on May 5-7, 2011, at York University - Université York, Toronto, Canada, will be hosted by the Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migrations of African Peoples, York University, with the support of various internal and external sponsors. Our aim is to attract an international group of specialists at all stages in their careers to facilitate discussion and  dialogue, in both of Canada’s official languages, across disciplines and between scholars and professionals based in both the North and South.


 In recognition of 2011 having been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year for People of African Descent, the central theme of the 2011 annual conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) is Africa Here; Africa There. Africans have long peopled the African continent, as well as other landscapes through external migrations. During the modern era, the movement of African peoples has taken place under three major contexts: various trades in human beings, economic hardship emanating from natural and non-natural factors, and political, ethnic, religious and other types of persecution.

 Whether internal or external, the displacement of African peoples has always led to greater complexities within the host societies. Africans and people of African descent, free, freed or enslaved, made up a sizeable proportion of the population of Évora and Lisbon during the late 1400s and early 1500s and performed much of the most menial manual work while speaking various West and West-Central African languages and supplying characters and speech patterns to the works of contemporaneous playwrights  like Gil Vicente. The same was true of London, not to mention other places in the United Kingdom, from at least the time of Shakespeare to the early 19th century. By the mid-1800s, their presence and influence was even more pervasive in Brazil, as well as Cuba. Similarly if Africans and the descendants of Africans attempted to recreate their homelands, imagined or not, amongst host societies, as was the case of the marooned  Zanj in Iraq (869-883 A.D.), the great Bantu state of Palmares in XVIIth century Brazil, or  later the Igbo in Maryland and Virginia, Jamaica, and Barbados, the process today is no less omnipresent as exemplified by the existence of Little Angola in Rio de Janeiro, Little Nigeria in Houston, or the current attempt  to establish a Little Ethiopia in Toronto.

In other words, Africa has long existed within the old continent and beyond as well. This reality, far from signifying solely an African presence, points to a series of new ways of moving across and exploiting space stemming from an evolving division of world labor, distribution of resources, and production of modes of living together. Africa Here; Africa There will explore, in English and in French, the multifaceted complexities generated by these phenomena within and outside of Africa over time from the perspective of various disciplines.


The Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) contributes expertise, research, and informed debate concerning a wide range of African “matter” related to sociocultural issues, the arts, political economy, the environment and transnationalism, among others. Since 1970,CAAS has demonstrated how African issues matter to a wider range of Canadian and international publics in academic, policy-making, programming, and many other circles. The expanding recognition of African contexts and initiatives to a growing range of transnational practices (from humanitarianism to peace building; markets to social movements; climate change to food security; religious dynamism to health and education policies; sports to music, theatre and cinema; truth and reconciliation processes, migration and diasporas to the forging of the world) has meant the continent is taking on a greater prominence in the attention, imagination, and actions of more and more publics. We also encourage the submission, whether in English or in French, of research papers in these and other areas.


In the last forty years, like many other Northern nations, Canada has had expanding and diverse relations with Africa.

African immigration to Canada has increased not only through the regular immigration of professionals and others, but also, importantly, through refugees fleeing from conflicts in areas such as Uganda (1972), Somalia (since 1991), and Algeria (since 1992). In turn, a growing number of Canadians have been to Africa through an expansion of humanitarian and international development activities by Canadian governmental and non-governmental organizations, business activities, particularly in natural resources sectors, university exchanges, and tourism. Solidarity work by Canadian individuals and groups also increased during this period, from working with national liberation groups to supporting human rights agendas, from advocating for women rights to addressing health and environmental conditions.

Canadian governments have been preoccupied with African matters through international bodies such the Commonwealth, la Francophonie, the United Nations, and G-8 summits playing a visible part during the anti-apartheid struggle, peacekeeping and peace building activities, and supporting NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development), to name but a few.

The growing number of Canadians of African birth and descent have not only played important roles in such exchanges and ties but also helped to introduce or expand new consumption patterns and artistic practices in Canada(in food, clothes, music, film, literature, and the like) and new forms of religiosity and congregations. At the same time, there have been some tensions emerging in Canada-African relations such as: the tightening of visas on African visitors coming to Canada in the name of security and to limit refugee claims; a reduction in the number of Canadian peacekeepers in Africa; a recent reduction in number of African priority countries for CIDA; protests over labor practices and engagement against corrupt practices; and, limited African beneficiaries of Canadian direct foreign investment in Africa.


The above issues help to highlight key concerns and demonstrate why there is growing interest in Africa in Canada. However, there is a vast array  of topics of interest in African Studies beyond these issues, as well, that would be welcomed to be presented at this conference. From examining wide-reaching events such as the slave-trades, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and current conflicts to the minutia of everyday life such as schooling practices, religious invocations, and media consumption, Africa Here; Africa There will provide an opportunity for the sharing of research and debate concerning the study of these issues in both English and French.


CAAS, including its Canadian Journal of African Studies, have historically embodied extensive coverage of the continent and, in that spirit of attending to all African

matters, this conference welcomes papers on a wide range of topics concerning Africa and African peoples abroad from a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. In keeping with the bilingual nature of CAAS and the encouragement of bilingual study at York University, paper and panel proposals in French are particularly welcomed.


Africa Here; Africa There aims to continue the CAAS tradition that exemplifies why Africa matters to various publics in Canada and beyond. This Call for Papers intends to provide a forum for addressing and presenting academic  research and policy proposals that examine the histories, debates, policy issues, and current practices related to African matters.


The deadline for submitting paper, as well as panel, proposals has been extended to February 21, 2011. For information on submitting paper and panel abstracts, conference registration payment (on-line or by cheque), requests for funding for graduate students in Canada, and

accommodation possibilities please go to http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/~caas/en/2011conference.html



31.01.2011 | por ritadamasio | Africa, african studies, Canada, Conference

Conference on African Studies

ECAS 2011 - 4th European Conference on African StudiesUppsala 15-18 June 2011


The call for panels for this conference is now closed and a list of the accepted panels and short panel descriptions can be found here.

We hereby invite all interested scholars to submit paper proposals for presentation on one of the approved ECAS 4 panels. To be accepted paper proposals need to fit into one of the approved panels. The deadline for the submission of paper abstracts is Wednesday 22 December 2010. All paper proposals will be reviewed in January 2011, and those who have submitted abstracts will be notified no later than 28 February 2011 as to whether their paper has been accepted or not.

see here

27.10.2010 | por martalanca | african studies