Re-Lembrar | Re-Membering | MAPUTO

O ponto de partida da exposição internacional Re-Lembrar (Mystery of Foreign Affairs) é uma reflexão sobre a vida entre culturas diferentes de vinte mil trabalhadores moçambicanos que trabalharam e moraram na República Democrática Alemã. Contudo, o projeto almeja também, de forma mais abrangente, contribuir para uma reflexão sobre as relações entre Europa e África, no passado e no presente.

A primeira parte da exposição decorreu em vários lugares da cidade de Schwerin, na Alemanha, entre setembro e novembro de 2017, com a participação de artistas de Moçambique, Angola, África do Sul e Alemanha. Nesta exposição, as obras de artistas como Dito Tembe, Iris Buchholz Chocolate e Katrin Michel abordam a temática das relações de intercâmbio da República Democrática da Alemanha com trabalhadores moçambicanos, conhecidos como Madgermans. Por seu turno, as obras de artistas como Matias Ntundo ou Gemuce proporcionam uma revisitação do passado colonial, enquanto os trabalhos de Edson Chagas e Zanele Muholi representam a presença e a questão de estereótipos e atribuições culturais no mundo atual.

A segunda parte da exposição decorre em dois espaços da cidade de Maputo, no Camões – Centro Cultural Português e na Fortaleza de Maputo, e estará patente entre 14 de junho e 27 de julho de 2018. Em Maputo, a exposição passa a incluir dois trabalhos sobre a Namíbia: Towards Memory, de Katrin Winkler, um projeto de vídeo e pesquisa que surgiu de uma colaboração com mulheres da Namíbia que foram enviadas em crianças para a RDA em 1979, aquando da luta da libertação e anti-apartheid no seu país. O segundo trabalho é intitulado Namibia Today, de Laura Horelli, e recorda a edição do jornal homónimo impresso na então RDA.

Em Maputo, são ainda apresentadas obras de Jorge Dias, Maimuna Adam, Gemuce, Dito Tembe, Luís Santos, Matias Ntundo, Iris Buchholz Chocolate, Edson Chagas e Katrin Michel. Através de diferentes meios, da instalação à pintura, passando pela escultura e vídeo, a exposição pretende contribuir para um trabalho de memória sobre o passado comum, bem como para uma reflexão sobre as relações atuais entre África e Europa.

20.07.2018 | por martalanca | Africa, african art, african artist, Art, Book art, Book objects, Conceptual art, contemporary art, diáspora, exhibitions, Found Objects, freedom, Installation, Maputo, migration, mozambique, post colonial

Theatre and Migration: Creative Encounters

Monday,17 April 2017 ¦ 19h• workshop ¦ 21h• public debate

This event explores emerging theatrical responses to migration in light of recent migration and shifts in global politics and economics. We aim to survey new theatrical forms of migrant representation and to talk about possible impacts on national theatre cultures in shaping the perception of non-European migrants and migrant cultures. The event will bring together academic and practitioners’ perspectives and is designed to look at migrant perspectives on the grounds of theatre making, creating a platform where creative practices as well as cultural, theoretical and policy perspectives can meet and be debated.


Led by Fadi Skeiker, Syrian theatre practitioner and scholar (Visiting Associate Professor of Theatre, University of Minho), this practice-led, participatory workshop will use applied theatre techniques to approach topics of exile, refugedom and asylum in performance. The workshop will use textual and physical elements in an experimental way.

Participants are asked to read the following two articles in advance and to bring a printed copy to the workshop:

¦ Important information¦

Registration via email:

Tickets: €10

Duration: 2 hrs

[public debate]

This panel discussion will focus on modalities of migrant representation in current theatre productions, cultural initiatives, multi-arts projects and editorial practices. The discussion will be opened up to the public in an extended Q&A session as part of the debate.


Fadi Skeiker (University of Minho)

André Amálio (Hotel Europa Theatre)

Ana Bigotte Vieira (IFILNOVA/ IHC /CET,

Szabolcs Musca (University of Lisbon/ New Tides Platform, UK)

[organisers and partners]

The event is jointly organised by New Tides PlatformRua das Gaivotas 6 and CET- Centro de Estudos de Teatro (University of Lisbon)

PartnersBUALA Cultural Association/ and Hotel Europa Theatre

04.04.2017 | por martalanca | migration, Theatre

Towards Cosmopolitan Geographies of Migrations and Sexualities

(proposed session to the II  European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Lisbon, 5 a 7 September)

Convened by: Paulo Jorge Vieira (Center for Geographical Studies, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon); Andrew Gorman Murray(University of Western Sydney); and Jorge Macaísta Malheiros (Center for Geographical Studies, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon)


This session will discuss the inter-relations between the “geographies of sexualities” and the field of population geography, including research on both international and intranational migration. In this sense, this session will map out possible themes that cross different fields of the (inter)disciplinary correlate of gender, sexuality and migration.

Recognizing a multiplicity of research conducted in recent years, this session will discuss the importance of migration and of different forms of mobility in the construction of the subjectivities of non-heteronormative sexualities and a variety of gender expressions and roles (Binnie, 2004). This includes issues akin to what Kath Weston (1995) called the “great gay migration”, discussions  of “queer diaspora”, and the application for political asylum based on sexual orientation (Fortier, 2001 and 2002).

Empirical and/or theoretical papers (in English, Portuguese or Castilian) are welcomed on any theme that deepens the plural understanding of the geographic dimensions of mobility, internal and international migration, including:

  • Genders, Sexualities, Mobilities and Migrations;
  • Sex Work and International Migration;
  • LGBT and queer international migration;
  • Queer mobility inside of national territories;
  • Post-Colonialism, Sexualities and Migration;
  • Cosmopolitanism, urban space, sexual and national minorities;
  • Asylum seekers, sexual orientation, gender expression and public policies


Deadline for submission is 18th April 2013. Please send a 300 words abstract to Paulo Jorge Vieira ( and Andrew Gorman-Murray (


For more details about the conference, please visit the website:  


19.03.2013 | por martalanca | migration, queer, sex work

Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge

Please find below a call for papers for the conference “Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge” to be held at University College London on 6 - 9 April 2011. If the poster does not display correctly, please visit the conference website here

30.09.2010 | por martalanca | migration