Tolerace - Final Conference

International Conference
(Anti-)racism and critical interventions in Europe
Social sciences, policy developments and social movements
19-20 February 2013

Venue: CIUL Auditorium (Picoas Plaza, Lisbon)
Free registration:
(English-Portuguese translation services will be made available)

In contemporary Europe, we are witnessing the vanishing of anti-racism from political cultures and academic discourses, in favour of an approach that intervenes on immigrants and minorities themselves via public rhetoric on

This conference will thus bring together an international community engaging in debates on racism and anti-racism to discuss the analytical approaches and main findings of the European research project
TOLERACE - The semantics of tolerance and (anti-)racism in Europe: public bodies and civil society in comparative perspective, coordinated by the Centre for Social Studies.

The debate will focus on key issues that bring about an in-depth analysis of racism and anti-racism, such as the historical legacies of national formation processes and colonialism, contemporary political developments in European contexts, and the role of academia and social organisations in policy advice.

The event is intended as an opportunity to engage with policymakers, academics, political activists, journalists and stakeholders at local, national and European levels, discussing the difficulties of addressing racism in contemporary European contexts, as well as to propose a way forward by identifying approaches and key areas in which a sound debate on anti-racism can be constructed.

19 February
Opening Session
9:30-10:00 Welcome and Registration

Critical interventions in contemporary politics in Europe: the future of an anti-racist agenda
Chair: Maria Paula Meneses (Centro de Estudos Sociais).

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES)
Louisa Anastopoulou (EC project officer) – to be confirmed
Silvia Maeso (CES)
Marta Araújo (CES)

Keynote address: Jorge Sampaio (UN High Representative for Alliance of Civilizations).

Lunch break

The vanishing of anti-racism within policy developments in education and employment
Chair: Frank Peter (European University Viadrina/U. of Bern).

Presentation of TOLERACE case studies:
Marta Araújo (Centro de Estudos Sociais): “The ‘prudent integration’ of the Roma/Gypsies: Racism, school segregation and white flight”
María Martínez (Universidad del País Vasco): “From the racial question to the social question: avoiding (anti)-racism in the Basque educational system”
Tina Jensen (The Danish National Centre for Social Research): “Discrimination and Employment in Denmark: ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Immigrant Groups”
Salman Sayyid (CERS, University of Leeds): “Muslims in the labour market in the UK: Leeds and Leicester”

Eva Smith-Asmussen (U. of Copenhagen/ECRI) and Robert Rustem (European Roma and Travellers Forum).

Keynote address
David T. Goldberg (University of California, Irvine): “Postracial Conditions”
20 February
The politics of representation: (anti-)racism and the media
Chair: Ian Law (CERS, University of Leeds)

Presentation of TOLERACE case studies:
Simona Pagano (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt): “Chasing the gypsy, immolating the gypsy, securing the city: Roma and ‘nomad camps’ in the Italian media”
Ángeles Castaño (Universidad de Sevilla): “Cultural diversity in the media: immigration, education and Islam in Andalusia”
Hakan Tosuner (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt): “Female Victims - Male Perpetrators. Representation of the Muslim ‘other’ in the German media”.

Comments: Nadia Fadil (University of Leuven).

Documentary “Era uma vez um arrastão”/ “The Beach Rampage That Never Was”, Diana Andringa (2005)
Presentation by the documentary’s director

Lunch Break

14:30- 15:30
Keynote address
Ramón Grosfoguel (University of California, Berkeley): Decolonizing Epistemic Racism/Sexism in Europe Today: “The Decolonial Perspective of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Frantz Fanon in the Context of Decolonial European Struggles”.

Round table: The state, academia and policy advice: better horizons?

Chair: Silvia Maeso (CES)

Opening intervention: Kwame Nimako (University of Amsterdam)
Javier Sáez (Fundación Secretariado Gitano)
Arzu Merali (Islamic Human Rights Commission)
Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)
Sandew Hira (International Institute for Scientific Research)

Closing keynote address: Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos (Universidade do Minho).


07.02.2013 | par herminiobovino | Conference, conferência, lisboa, racismo

Chullage canta a morte de Steve Jobs

06.12.2012 | par martalanca | capitalismo, Chullage, racismo

FESTA BUALA + lançamento de "Racismo e Imigração em Portugal"

6ª feira, 15 de Junho, entre as 21h30 e as 3h da manhã no Zona Franca no Bartô (Chapitô) LISBOA 

Bruno Peixe Dias, Nuno Domingos, K-beça, Badiu Branku são os djs da noite!!!!

Os dois anos de existência do Buala e o lançamento de um livro sobre racismo e imigração são o pretexto para esta grande noite!

Um livro que revisita a agenda política, mediática e social-científica da imigração em Portugal e desconstroi as categorias operadas na construção de identidades, procurando identificar os pontos frágeis das descriminações.

Uma plataforma de cultura africana contemporânea, BUALA, que implica as diásporas negras e também reflecte sobre a relação de Portugal com a sua imigração. 

Conversa/apresentação do livro com o filósofo André Barata, o rapper LBC e os coordenadores do livro (Bruno Peixe Dias e Nuno Dias), música (do black atlantic e não só), imagens e encontros, são o que lhe oferecemos nesta noite.

11.06.2012 | par martalanca | buala, imigração, racismo

Eurocentrism and racism beyond the positivist order: the politics of history and education

Seminário Internacional
23 a 24 de Maio de 2011, 10h00, Aud. do Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, Picoas Plaza, Rua de Viriato 13

On the 23rd and 24th May, the Centre for Social Studies will hold an International Conference to present and discuss the main findings of the project ‘Race’ and Africa in Portugal: a study on history textbooks, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The conference aims at constructing a historically-informed debate on Eurocentrism and racism, bringing together international scholars that work on a diversity of approaches and disciplines, namely History, Anthropology, Political Sociology, International Relations, Sociolinguistics. Focusing on the politics of history and education, the conference will move the debate beyond the positivistic framings that have been characteristic of contemporary understandings of national identity, racism and knowledge in (post-)colonial Europe.


Continuez à lire "Eurocentrism and racism beyond the positivist order: the politics of history and education"

29.04.2011 | par martalanca | eurocentrismo, racismo

Parabéns aos 20 anos do SOS RACISMO

26.11.2010 | par martalanca | racismo

pretos e gays

Os direitos das minorias têm apenas em comum serem direitos. As minorias e as razões da sua discriminação nada têm de semelhantes. As minorias não são melhores do que as maiorias. Apenas as circunstâncias fazem delas vítimas da intolerância. E a verdade é esta: assistimos a uma progressão dos direitos das minorias sexuais e a uma regressão das minorias étnicas. Uma pista: num caso estamos perante direitos individuais, no outro perante direitos económicos. E, nos tempos que correm, isso faz toda a diferença.

23.09.2010 | par martalanca | étnicas, minorias, questões raciais, racismo